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The Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library supports research and teaching for the departments of Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Statistics.  The entire Stanford community is welcome to use its collections and facilities. Located in the Sapp Center for Science Teaching & Learning, the Science Library is diffused throughout the building. The library occupies much of the third floor and all of the fourth floor and offers additional spaces for study and collaboration on the first and second floors. Subject liaisons are available to facilitate discovery, access, management, and preservation of print and online resources. 

Chemistry information resources include an excellent collection of databases, online journals, and online books. While most new materials are being acquired in a digital format, print materials include classic texts, popular science books, textbooks, reference materials, and a safety collection. Chemistry funds are also used to purchase campus-wide software licenses (e.g. ChemOffice Professional, Mnova, PyMOL, CSD). Topic and course guides provide “one-stop” shopping for frequently used resources. Because chemistry databases are among the largest and most complex of all the subject areas, one-on-one help, online tutorials, and workshops are available to help use resources effectively and efficiently.


Email: sciencelibrary [at] (sciencelibrary[at]stanford[dot]edu)

Address: 376 Lomita Drive, Stanford, CA  94305

Library Hours: Please visit this page.

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Librarian: Amanda Nelson (nelsonak [at] (nelsonak[at]stanford[dot]edu)