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How to Declare

Declaring a Major in Chemistry

You must declare your major by the beginning of your junior year. You declare your major in Axess, and the declaration is then approved by the department after meeting with the Student Services Manager. This meeting typically lasts one hour. Monitor Axess for this approval. The Chemistry Student Services Office is in Chemistry Central Office (Modular), by phone (650) 723-1525.

Degree requirements for the major can be found in the Stanford Bulletin

How to Decare

Identify potential faculty advisors

 With the help of the Student Services Manager, every chemistry major must select an advisor. If you are doing research, or have received a stipend to do research over the summer, your research advisor is usually also your major advisor. If you are not doing research, you may ask any faculty member or lecturer in the Department to serve as your major advisor.

Reach out to your potential advisor

 E-mail the faculty member to set a meeting time to make an introduction. 

Declare in Axess

Declare the Chemistry major in Axess

Meet with Students Services Manager

Once you've decided upon and met with your faculty advisor, let Roger Kuhn (Chemistry Central Office, roger.kuhn [at] (roger[dot]kuhn[at]stanford[dot]edu) or 650-723-1525) know the name of your academic advisor.

Meet with your advisor

Be sure to meet regularly with your advisor to keep him/her informed of your progress, achievements, career interests, et cetra. Take the initiative in arranging these meetings. Remember, your advisor needs to know something about you to be able to write that recommendation letter you may need come senior year.