Poster Session

One of the highlights of the symposium has always been the poster session, which calls attention to the great research being done by Stanford students and postdocs. Invitations to participate in the poster sessions are being extended to the sponsoring companies in addition to the top neighboring universities in the Bay Area. Broad participation enriches this session, and students and industry scientists are encouraged to present their work. This poster session provides an excellent opportunity to publicly present recent science and to interact with members of many different industrial and academic organizations in the scientific community. Presenters may cite their participation on their CVs and previous presenters have gone on to present their work at national ACS meetings.
Presenting a Poster
To present a poster, please submit a title and abstract to chemistry-events [at] (subject: Poster%20Session%20Johnson%20Symposium) (chemistry-events[at]stanford[dot]edu) electronically, in MS Word .doc format, by Friday, September 6, 2019. Kindly do not send in PDF format. Abstracts are limited to 100 words with a font type and size of Arial 12 point. The use of graphics, embedded in the text, is highly encouraged. Abstracts will be reproduced and provided to the symposium attendees in program booklet form.
Posters will be on display on Friday with a special poster session reception at the end of the day. Presenters should plan on being stationed by their work to answer questions during the Friday lunch, afternoon break and reception. Only one poster can be submitted per person and that person must attend the symposium. Please bring your posters ready for display. A tack board (36 in X 48 in) will be provided to support the posters, in addition to extra tacks, tape and other various preparation supplies you might need in case damage has been caused to your poster during travel. All posters must be removed after the reception on Friday evening.