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Graduate Student Affairs Committee

Members of the Graduate Student Affairs Committee (SAC) serve an 18 month term and represents the interests of the Chemistry Graduate Student Community. SAC facilitates ongoing communication with various department administrators to develop programming and policies that are representative of the collective student experiences.

Programs and events organized by SAC include:


  • Student Hosted Colloquia: The departmental colloquia hosted by chemistry graduate students invite 9 distinguished speakers annually to deliver a public presentation on their current research in chemistry. For a current list of upcoming speakers, please check the Student Hosted Colloquia webpage.
  • Distinguished Women in Science Seminars: Departmental colloquia where outstanding female scientists are invited to the department to discuss both science and issues relating to women in science. For a current list of upcoming speakers, please check the Distinguished Women in Science Seminars webpage.
  • Summer Student Seminars: A self-organized seminar series for graduate students to give informal talks on their research. These seminars serve to be wonderful opportunities for students to gain experience in research presentations and to exchange ideas and useful feedback with fellow students in a collaborative and collegial setting, without the added pressure of presenting in front of faculty or a more formal audience. Moreover, it's a chance to learn about some of the transformative research that is happening within the department.

Social Events

Students at Dept. BBQ
  • Donut Hour: Wednesdays at 2:30PM in the Keck Lobby or Chemistry Central Office Patio, weekly year-round. Refreshments are provided by SAC for the chemistry graduate community.
  • Games Night: Biweekly at 7:00PM in Chemistry Graduate Student Lounge located in Stauffer I, year-round. Refreshments are provided by SAC for the chemistry graduate community.
  • Summer BBQs: BBQs take place throughout the summer, hosted by different research groups. 
  • Tailgate parties: Tailgates for home football games during the autumn quarter. Food and refreshments provided by SAC for the chemistry graduate community.
  • ChemWipes: Produced by the first year graduate class at the end of autumn quarter, ChemWipes is a show parodying the department, our faculty and chemists in general. Promises to be an evening of fun, joy and endless laughter.


  • Big Sib/Little Sib: Incoming first year graduate students are paired with older graduate students to help them adjust to life in the department.

Professional Development

  • Career Planning Events: Several professional development workshops, panel discussions, alumni networking events and company information sessions are offered throughout the year in collaboration with the Stanford Chemistry Career Services Division

Students interested in joining SAC are encouraged to apply. New members are selected at the end of Fall and Spring quarters on a rotational basis to serve on the committee.

 Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Guidelines

Reach out to SAC with all questions by emailing chemistry-sac [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-sac[at]stanford[dot]edu).

2024-2025 Active SAC Members