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Additional Opportunities

Additional resources for those interested in getting involved in outreach at Stanford and elsewhere

Stanford’s Office of Science Outreach (OSO)

Stanford University's Office of Science Outreach (OSO) encourages and assists Stanford faculty to engage in science outreach – organized activities targeted at our nation's youth, school teachers, and general public that will increase their interest, understanding, and involvement in math, science, and engineering.

The OSO serves faculty throughout the University by assisting them in creating outreach project ideas and proposals, identifying potential partners for them (both within Stanford as well as K-14 schools, science museums, etc.), and facilitating information and resource sharing among all of the University's science outreach programs. In addition, the OSO directs several programs in which Stanford faculty and students from Stanford or other schools can participate.

High School students in particular can find a number of summer science programs just for them, Available Here

American Chemical Society (ACS)

The American Chemical Society’s community outreach programs enable volunteers and enthusiasts to become more involved in an ACS local section, division(s), and/or community by providing reliable resources that can be easily used to promote interest in chemistry and science to children and young adults. Participation in community activities helps ACS members and interested individuals to increase media and public awareness of the importance of chemistry in our daily lives.


The Bay Area Biotechnology Education Consortium (BABEC) is a regional network of local science education organizations based in the Northern California Bay Area. BABEC is dedicated to increasing student understanding of key concepts in molecular biology and raising student awareness of applications and careers in biotechnology. In the process, BABEC is enabling systemic reform in an important area of science education by helping teachers bring relevant, thought-provoking, hands-on activities into the classroom.

Class Wish

Class Wish 

An exciting nonprofit website provides help for:

  • Teachers and school leaders, who can create Wish Lists of the things they need to equip great classrooms, as easily as shopping online;
  • Parents, alumni, neighbors, businesses and others who would like to see exactly what is needed and how they can help.

Contributions are tax-deductible, and many companies match employee’s donations. Class Wish sends the supplies directly to the school.


Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning (ChemEx2) provides high-school chemistry teachers with an opportunity to work with a set of chemistry experiences that can foster student learning and expand high-leverage, core teaching practices. Participants will develop a plan for their own classrooms that uses these experiences, experiments, and core teaching practices to address the science learning goals in the NGSS and Common Core State Standards.

Summer STEM Insitute (SSI)  

The Summer STEM Institute (SSI) is a six-week virtual summer program for high school students. The mission of the program is to continue virtual learning opportunities during COVID-19, and the program consists of three main parts:  

  • Research and data science bootcamp: Students learn how to design and conduct data science research projects. Students learn about the research process and how to apply statistical and machine learning methods to address scientific questions with real-world impact. 
  • Masterclass lecture series: Students are connected to accomplished young adults around the world. Students have the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship from Forbes 30 Under 30 recipients, science research from International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) grand prize winners, and other topics from speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 
  • Mentored research project: Students complete a research project through a rigorous, hands-on learning experience under the guidance of mentors. Last year, students have worked in a variety of fields, from computational biology to quantum physics.
  • Many students who attended the program said SSI changed their lives and asked for our team to continue running SSI in future years. You can view distinguished research projects and read about student experiences on our website. 

Unfortunately, due to uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and new variants, we are deeply disheartened to announce that the Summer STEM Institute (SSI) will be discontinued.