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Vision, Mission & Scientific Aims

To boldly explore and advance new chemical frontiers in the life sciences, physical sciences, medicine, energy, materials, and  environmental sciences through visionary research, innovation, collaboration, and scholarship

Discover, Create and Understand

  • Design and model molecules that modulate biological processes
  • Create materials for energy storage, drug delivery, and molecular imaging
  • Understand the contribution of geometric and electronic structure to function

Inspire and Educate

  • Inspire a knowledge platform that supports an inventive culture
  • Educate future leaders about how chemistry underlies living systems and physical processes

Lead and Collaborate

  • Lead in fostering solutions to problems of global significance by collaborating across many disciplines both within and external to Stanford

To achieve these aims the Stanford Chemistry Department must continue to evolve the cutting-edge facilities, world-leading faculty, and top-caliber student body that will make transformative science possible.