If we need to drink water or eat a snack, should we go outside or is it okay to take our mask off and eat/drink at our desk?
Everyone should refrain from eating at desks if they are in a lab setting.
Are we allowed to go in the kitchen?
Stanford has provided signs for kitchens with COVID use instructions. These will be posted at the entry to all kitchen areas as soon as possible.
Will we have access to the service centers like the NMR or SUMS facility?
Each facility has the most updated information on their user website. The procedures for use vary from center to center and you should check the appropriate website for information.
Will there be deliveries to the labs and how do we get packages?
Chemistry Receiving will continue to deliver packages directly to the labs. Please ensure any packages that are ordered clearly indicate the LAB on the ship to line. We will not be able to track down individual names. If you are missing a package send an email to chemistry-receiving [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-receiving[at]stanford[dot]edu). Please include as much information as you can (you must include the tracking number).
What about items like gas cylinders and dry ice that are delivered directly by the vendor?
We want to minimize the number of people entering the buildings to the greatest extent possible. To this end, we have been delivering items like gas cylinders (Praxair) or lab supplies (Fisher) for the vendors when possible. Vendor access has been disabled and if you are expecting a delivery you should coordinate the delivery with the vendor. In some cases it may be simplest to pick the items up at the exterior door.
Will we be able to use the conference rooms for meetings?
Conference rooms will remain open to provide extra space to achieve adequate social distancing and provide access to the video capabilities in those facilities. Conference rooms should NOT be used for group meetings or gatherings that go beyond minimum social distancing requirements. In most instances conference rooms should be treated as single occupancy. In the larger rooms two occupants at opposite ends of the room may be permissible. Please contact the Department if you have further questions.
Will the Fisher store have its normal operating hours?
Fisher Stores are open. Please call at (650) 723-1278 for further assistance. You need to go to the loading dock door. They can only allow one customer in the store at a time.
Are the bathrooms going to be single user?
Stanford has provided uniform signage for all restrooms. In most cases restrooms will be single occupancy. The department has experimented with 'occupied/unoccupied' signs with varying degrees of success.
Are we allowed to borrow chemicals or equipment from other labs
Yes. This should be done by making direct arrangements between the two labs keeping in mind the social distancing and PPE requirements. Items should be safely exchanged outside the lab in a mutual agreeable location.
Will hazardous waste pickup be on the regular schedule?
Hazardous waste pickup has continued to operate on a modified schedule and will continue. The day and time of the pickup may vary due to the increased requirements for PPE and reducing to one person on a pickup route at a time. There will be limited or pickup of eWaste and batteries during Stage I. BioHazard waste should will need to be coordinated with the external vendor your lab uses.
What about EHS availability?
EHS is always available by calling 725-9999. You can contact the Chemistry Department Safety Office by emailing chemistry-ehs [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-ehs[at]stanford[dot]edu).
How to I get a replacement lab coat?
All the department lab coats were laundered in accordance with guidance from our vendor. We will deliver a cleaned coat to you in your lab. Please send an email to chemistry-facilitiesrequest [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-facilitiesrequest[at]stanford[dot]edu) with your name, size, lab (PI), room number, and coat style (M/F) and we will deliver the coat to your lab. If a lab wants to turn in a master list please do so. For routine exchanges please email us.
Will ITS and the CRC (Brian) be available for computer support?
IT support should be initiated by completing a Service Now ticket which can be accessed through helpsu.stanford.edu If you have a ticket number you can forward the information to chemistry-it [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-it[at]stanford[dot]edu) and we can monitor the response and escalate tickets as needed.
Who do I contact if I have a question about the central departmental calendar?
Todd Eberspacher: chemistry-facilitiesrequest [at] stanford.edu (chemistry-facilitiesrequest[at]stanford[dot]edu)
What do I need to do if I have traveled outside the state of California and are now returning to Stanford?
We are asking individuals who have traveled outside the state of California and are now returning to Stanford to self-isolate for 14 days (Health Alerts, Heallth Alerts FAQs, What does it mean to self-isolate?)
What is the protocol for students returning to lab after a protest where the vast majority of people were not maintaining social distance procedures? Should those students self-isolate?
Employees and students can return to work if they are not experiencing symptoms. If they are experiencing symptoms, they should follow the recommendation currently listed on Health Alerts.
REVISION DATE: May 18, 2021