ChemWell: Health and Well-being during COVID-19

Thu March 26th 2020, 2:00 - 3:00pm
Meeting Zoom ID:703 357 361

**Please note that beginning March 26th, ChemWell is in Zoom format until further notice**

ChemWell: Health and Well-being during COVID-19   Rosan Gomperts, Director, Faculty Staff Help Center

Thursday, March 26, 2020
2:00-3:00 p.m. - Zoom Meeting ID:703 357 361


Why should I participate?

  • learn coping mechanisms to adapt to a new way of working
  • instill strategies to nurture your mental, physical, emotional and psychological health 
  • become familiar with the available resources to you
  • learn how to prioritize your health during a pandemic

Tune in to get your questions answered.  

ChemWell aims to be your inspiration to health and well-being.  Together, let us explore the intersections of mental, physical, financial, emotional and environmental well-being.   

**A collaboration with WINGS (Wellness Information Network for Graduate Students) - Thank you Dory DeWeese and Ioannis Kipouros!**