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Center for Molecular Analysis and Design

CMAD students looking at a presentation

Ben Binhong Lin, Stanford University

Welcome to CMAD!

Taking a multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary approach to develop deeper understanding of molecular structure, function, design and synthesis

group photo of current CMAD fellows

CMAD Fellows

Explore the Center

Message from the Director

Justin Du Bois

"The complexities of tomorrow’s scientific challenges encourage and necessitate new ideas in both research and graduate education.  The Center for Molecular Analysis and Design was founded on these basic principles.  We have created a research environment in which students are empowered to collaborate with multiple labs and multiple mentors in order to develop solutions to major problems of our time."

-Justin Du Bois

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The Center seeks individuals with an interest in collaborative research, who are motivated to develop original research projects and who aspire to work on multi-investigator problems in a multi-mentor format.

"As a CMAD Fellow at Stanford, I carried out some of the most exciting research of my career. Our work addressed mysteries that had been in the literature for decades, and involved the application of cutting edge analytical physical chemistry techniques to questions at the forefront of organometallic methodology development -- disciples where cross-disciplinary collaboration may be rare. This unique collaboration captured the imaginations of other scientists as they decided who to interview for faculty positions, and, made it possible for me to get to know Professors Zare and Du Bois, who remain my roll models and mentors. I suspect this research made it possible for me to land my dream job as a faculty member at Duke."
Jennifer Roizen
Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Duke University
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Department of Chemistry
Stanford University
337 Campus Drive
Lokey Building
Stanford, California 94305

jdubois [at] (jdubois[at]stanford[dot]edu)
(650) 724-4557