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Physical Chemistry Seminar: Professor Xiao Wang, MIT

Xiao Wang
Tue April 23rd 2024, 3:00 - 4:00pm
Sapp Center Lecture Hall 114

About the Seminar 

Deconstruct and Reprogram RNA Life Cycle

The intricate network of cell functions relies on gene expression programs. At the core of this process lies the RNA life cycle, which deciphers both the protein-coding and regulatory DNA sequences, ensuring protein products are synthesized in the right place at the right time. To better understand RNA-centered gene regulation, we first need a panoramic view of the whole mRNA life cycle directly within intact cells and tissues, encompassing synthesis, processing, transport, and translation, and degradation, which is currently obscured by limited analytical tools. In my presentation, I will first introduce our tool development of novel spatiotemporal measurements at unprecedented resolution and scale using in situ sequencing to probe and perturb the intricate dynamics of the RNA life cycle. Beyond mapping the RNA life cycle in heath and disease, I will also discuss how we have translated our knowledge of post-transcriptional gene regulation principles into next-generation RNA vectors and drugs by expanding and engineering the alphabet, structure, and topology of synthetic RNAs with unnatural chemical modifications.

About the Speaker 

Xiao Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at MIT and a core institute member and the Edward Scolnick Professor of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Her develops and applies new chemical, biophysical, and genomic tools to better understand tissue function and dysfunction at the molecular level. Wang joined the MIT and Broad after conducting postdoctoral research at Stanford University with Professor Karl Deisseroth, where she was a postdoctoral fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation. At Stanford, she developed comprehensive methods for analyzing RNA in intact tissues that merge sequencing with imaging, in order to reveal the locations of various cell types in the brain. Wang received her B.S. in chemistry and molecular engineering from Peking University in 2010 and her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Chicago in 2015, where she elucidated the cellular functions of RNA modifications with Professor Chuan He.

Host: Bianxiao Cui