ChemWell: Strategies for Coping during Chaotic times with Dr. Frederick Luskin

ChemWell: Strategies for Coping during Chaotic times with Dr. Frederick Luskin
Thu January 28th 2021, 1:00 - 2:00pm

ChemWell: Strategies for Coping during Chaotic Times with Dr. Frederick Luskin

Thursday, January 28 

1:00 - 2:00 pm PST


Benefits to you:

  • Talk aims to normalize feelings of disruption
  • Teach simple skills to enhance positive emotion
  • Practice simple mindfulness to access and accept ones feelings

 ChemWell aims to be your inspiration to health and well-being.  Together, let us explore the intersections of mental, physical, financial, emotional and environmental well-being.  

**A collaboration with WINGS (Wellness Information Network for Graduate Students) - Thank you Dory DeWeese and Ioannis Kipouros!**